Tuesday, May 26, 2020

STONED…in 2 or more parts


As I mentioned before, the corona quarantine plays to my strengths. I like nothing better that lazing around, wandering from one cozy place to another, drinking excellent coffee, until, of course, it is late enough to start drinking excellent Cabernet. I have a series of fluffy, faux fur blankies, and one actual cashmere one. I pile cushions and pillows as needed. I’ve even taken to using a pillow between my legs at night to alleviate a strange hip pain that I was seeing a therapist about before. That’s no longer happening.

 What do I do in these different places? I listen to podcasts, I nap, I read, I cook, I snack, I watch TV. For podcasts, my current favorites are still Freakanomics, Science Friday, Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History (when he’s not talking music, except the one about why country music makes you cry), TED Talks, Making Sense, with Sam Harris, Star Talk, with Neil deGrasse Tyson (when he’s not talking sports) and Gastropod. Now I have added Against the Rules, Michael Lewis’s podcast, and The Rabbit Hole, an amazing series about the Internet and how it influences.

The thing about podcasts is that I can listen in bed, set the timer, or not, and drift off to wise and funny words from some of my favorite geniuses. If I miss something, it’s easy to go back the next day or whenever, and there are a kajillion podcasts on every conceivable area of interest—and probably a kajillion more, after all this enforced staying at home. What better than prepare to verbally assault the world with your thoughts while lying around waiting to get sick?

But the thing that really is getting me through the pandemic, is Stone Barrington and his friends and colleagues. Stone Barrington, former NYPD detective turned lawyer solves crimes and lives an extremely entertaining life, based in an inherited townhouse in Turtle Bay.


But most of all, I read Stuart Woods’ Stone Barrington novels.

And my terror is that I will run out of them.

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