I’m putting this
up now unedited because it is now. I’ll fix it later.
In Santa Monica, which I think is the
best place in the world to live, was the scene, today, along with a few other
LA neighborhoods, of peaceful protests and looting. The intersection of Ocean
and Montana Aves was the site of a protest about the death of George Floyd at
the hands, or rather the feet of Minneapolis police.
Three blocks away, at the 3rd
St. Promenade shopping area, 3 blocks of walk streets lined with boutiques and
fancy national chains, looting occurred. The thieves attacked mainly corner
stores, since 3rd St. itself was cordoned off by police.
Consequently Vans, on one corner, REI on another took most of the hit. Bloomies
and Nordstrom, in Santa Monica Place were hit too, a couple blocks south.
It’s just past 4pm, the official
start of the curfew. The crowd of protesters on Ocean had been divided into 2
or more smaller groups when police started firing tear gas and other non-lethal
projectiles. When the 4 o’clock curfew was announced, around 3pm, superceding
the 8PM one established by LA Mayor Garcetti, many in the crowd started
leaving. Those remaining stayed and cops stayed, the lines established. Some protesters
started setting off red powder bombs, and huge rocks, a few, were thrown at
police.As I write this, the situation changes.
Our condo building has additional
security and a police presence.
What I meant by rational rioting.
On May 4, 1992, I rode back from
Studio City, where I had just done my live radio program, BENEATH THE SURFACE, a
drive time call-in show on current events, that I did several weekdays at 5pm. The usual format was a half-hour
chat with newsmakers and half-hour of call-ins. Pacifica Radio, the station owner,
did not budget for call screeners, so it was always a free-for-all. My guest
was Paxton Quigley, author of ARMED AND FEMALE, first published in 1989, but I
think paper came out in ’92.
AS one of my radio colleagues, Cindy Friedman,
said at the time, you can have timely radio even when planned in advance.
Paxton, a gorgeous blond, at that time (I’VE SINCE SEEN PHOTOS OF her as a
red-head), worked public relations for Smith and Wesson, I think. She took me
to the firing range a couple of times and is a serious advocate of women owning
guns. Hey, she convinced me. This was all in the early days of the NRA
vice-grip on legislation, but most liberals had knee-jerk reaction to gun
ownership, from I HATE GUNS to fear of them.
It’s good to fear a gun
aimed at you.
But knowing how to handle one is a useful 21st century
Some other time I’ll get into an analysis
of the I HATE GUNS locution.
Just now, I went on line to find out
who made the curfew (now LA County has changed its curfew to 6PM) but only find
that it was done by Santa Monica Government. EG Mayor Garcetti did the LA one,
and Sheriff’s Dept., the LA County one.
While I drove through the canyon that
beautiful May evening in 1992, I gradually became aware (radio on) that a few miles south,
LA was ablaze. The verdict exonerating the cops who beat Rodney King had come in. They had gotten
even thought there was full-on video of what had happened,
and he was
beaten for no reason by cops, with other cops standing by and looking on.
AS I say, riots. The city was aflame.
Businesses in the black neighborhoods were looted and torched.
Very irrational, it seemed to me.
who riots rationally? Oops. More about that in a minute. But my question really
is why burn your own stuff? Why not attack the police, the establishment? The rich?
Well, they did. And I fear this is
just the beginning. So far there is little damage and injury (the night is
young) but there were clearly some who planned. Looters had hammers. Their cars
had licenseplates covered up so they could make anonymous getaways with loot.
I saw a bicyclist tear off the
covering of a looter’s license plate. The car owner came after him and socked
him in the face, but he still rode away. I hope unhurt. Other protesters stood
in front of stores trying to dissuade looters for the sake of the real cause.
At the same time, the police were
monitoring the protesters and had no presence at the stores.
AS I said, rational. Or, less irrational.
I think this is more rational
rioting. And I think it's coming soon to a neighborhood near me.
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