My lovely, talented friend was hired to Deck the Halls of a fancy residential compound across the street from me. Loving me, and willing to cater to my predilections, she invited me over to watch her work when she realized pink champagne was being served.
She told me to bring my own glass.
I did, and we had a lot of fun, masked, of course, except when sipping. The woman who hired her and her friend were well into the encouragement phase of the bottle when I got there, and we enjoyed a parade of very high class doggies (and owners) parade through the lobby on the way to elevators.
One such irresistible creature was a brindle French Bulldog. Painfully adorable, and so I exclaimed.
The owner, an attrractive blond, was obviously used to the admiration her pet inspired. "Thank you. Would you like to meet him?" she said.
Eagerly, I fixed my mask, and offered my hand to the cutie. I leaned down, the dog leapt up, knocked against my flute, et voila! Champagne cascaded through the air. Pooch, remaining aloft as only champagne can inspire one to do, deftly drank from the air, landing back down at the same time as some drops of champagne, which he scarfed up as if in fear I was going after it.
Laughing, all present admired the performance.
"His name is Maurice," the owner said.
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